Basic lifestyle habits [that lead to lifestyle change]
By Be Active
1. 8+ hours of sleep per day It's hard to be in top mental shape if you're sleep deprived. We feel a lack of sleep with a heavy head, stinging eyes, and an inability to focus. We gain nothing by not getting enough sleep. 2. Strategic rest and time for yourself It's hard to succeed in the long run if we don't take time for ourselves. The associated rest is essential, whether it's to switch off your brain for 5-10 minutes, go for a short walk, or just close your eyes for a bit. It is also important to have a digital detox every 7 to 10 days, completely disconnecting from work and all electronic devices related to it. It is best to go into nature, play sports or be otherwise active. 3. Made bed It takes less than a minute, but it leads to self-discipline, because it's something that's not necessarily important. Still, it's good to motivate ourselves every morning and make our bed, thus completing the first task of the day. On top of everything, it's nice when we come to the bedroom in the evening and the bed is already made. 4. Stop complaining Complaining is like a mental disorder. It eats you up from the inside, with no positive effect on your soul or body. Everyone has things in their life to be grateful for. How does that song go: Don't worry, be happy.
5. Meditation Similar to rest, except you try to go deeper into yourself. Find things about yourself that define you and that you are proud of. Focus on progress, highlight your goals and repeat them to yourself. Calm down and breathe. Calm your heartbeat, be still and find your ZEN 6. Turn ideas into actions Success depends on action. You can spend 10 years honing your idea, but you'll always find something that keeps you from taking the first step. You can try 10 different ideas, fail at 9, but sooner or later you'll succeed. It is essential that you try and adapt. 7. Time management We probably all have experience with time management, which we often lack. People are not robots programmed to work in a certain way. Sometimes we don't have enough energy, sometimes we lack motivation, sometimes we are not focused on things because of emotions and human relationships. Robots don't have these problems. Just like they don't have a sense of love, warmth, feeling great, and self-confidence.
People are not robots, and rather than making plans from hour to hour, we need to focus on doing what we do 100 percent. That is, if we have a good energy flow for a task, we continue with it and finish it, even if we should start doing something else. If we feel a lack of energy, it makes no sense to do something half-heartedly - we should go out for a walk, ride a bike, run - it's important to be active. Conclusion: The point of it all is that we are always happy with ourselves, that we are active (read: active), that we do less and do it well.