Our brains are like muscles - if you don't use them, they become weak.
Below we present 10 ways to strengthen your psychic strength.
Avoid bad habits: What habits make you unproductive? Endless scrolling on Instagram or daily binge -watching of TV shows? Discover your area of unproductiveness and reduce it.
Instant gratification: Stay focused on work without distractions and a sense of instant gratification (food, notifications on your mobile phone), etc.
Challenge yourself: Make a list of things you're afraid to do and do everything you can to make them happen. Approach a crush you like and ask them out; start selling products you're good at making; sign up for a mountaineering course, etc.
Be positive: It's very easy to find something negative in every situation or in life. Start looking for positive things in everyday situations and you will feel better immediately. Life is beautiful!
Find the right friends: Friends or colleagues who only take advantage of you or drag you into situations you don't want to be in may not be the right company for you. Find and associate with those who are successful in life, who share your values, and who help you grow spiritually.
Be curious: Humans as a species have achieved so much simply because we are curious. Always be willing to learn new things.
Self-confidence: Every day, tell yourself in the mirror the things you like about yourself. And also the things that others appreciate about you. Create a good opinion of yourself every day.
Inner dialogue: How does it feel to talk to yourself and put yourself in harm's way? Find and develop positive inner dialogue, a safe space that fills you with positive energy.
Face your emotions: Are you stressed, angry? Don't ignore these feelings, face them! Go for a walk, run, listen to your favorite music. Don't let them be like a wall that hinders you - go around them and continue on your path.
Stop complaining: It's not about why my life is the way it is, but about how I can improve it.
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