Social distancing can be beneficial

We are currently in a bit of a "strange time". Day after day, we are "bombarded" from all sides with various measures and negative affirmations. Social distancing and living in a so-called bubble are the main focus. How does this affect our mental health?
Mental health is definitely suffering a lot during these times, but let's look at the situation from the positive side and try to make social distancing and living in a "bubble" useful.
You're probably wondering how this can be useful? We have too much time these days and we're really not used to it. Today's lifestyle is extremely fast-paced, and now we're practically cut off from it. Most of us are stuck at home thinking about what to do because suddenly there are so many hours in the day to use. That's right! Use them!
You have a lot of time, why not create a routine and dedicate one hour a day to a sports activity or just to dedicate time to yourself and your thoughts? 1 hour represents 0.04 of a day. That's practically nothing. Make the most of the time you have.
Think about what is one thing that brings you joy, makes you happy, and you usually don't manage to fit it into your schedule? Is it singing? Do you like hiking in the mountains? Do you want to learn to play an instrument? Now is a great opportunity to take advantage of and engage in all of these things.
Among other things, spring has begun to awaken. Why not clean out one cupboard every day or maybe dig up the garden and make room for the vegetables that you will soon start sowing and planting.
Social distancing is a great way to incorporate cooking into your day. Learn how to make your favorite dish. Maybe you can start gradually incorporating more vegetables into your meals and slowly accustom your body to a healthier lifestyle.
You can easily start reading a book that has been sitting on your shelf for months, waiting for you to pick it up. Appreciate every minute and all the time you have.
Surround yourself with people who give you positive energy and who you can relax with. This is also a great time to spend as much time as possible with your family.
"Everything is good for something." Believe in the fact that it's not worth worrying about things you know you can't change. Enjoy life, here and now.
Author of the text: Urša Kralj