Urska Jezersek

I have a full-time job, so I have to plan my day in advance so that I don't run out of time for my daily chores. I go to the gym 2 to 3 times a week before work, and then my alarm clock is set for 5am so that I'm at the gym by 6am at the latest.
After an hour and a half of training, I rush back home, shower, eat breakfast, and head to work. On days when I don't train, I lie down for an hour or so longer (I'm quite a sleepyhead), make coffee (I can't live without coffee), get dressed, and make breakfast.
I usually eat breakfast at work because I try to eat according to the 16/8 principle (intermittent fasting). In the afternoon, I use the day for a walk in nature, cycling, rollerblading, or hanging out with friends, shopping, and even cleaning, depending on the weather and the time of year.
For the weekend, I have a thousand and one wishes, where to go, what to do, I'm always 'afraid' that I'll miss something, especially when the weather is nice.
How do you organize your day?
I make my daily plan a day or so in advance. It all depends on what's coming up at work, then I try to adjust my free time and dedicate it to myself and my loved ones.
I don't make any long-term plans unless they involve vacations and travel. I'm in love with travel and I love planning where my journey will take me, and even more so, exploring new places, their culture and cuisine.
What were you like as a child, what were you interested in, what did you like to do?
In one word 'nerves' hahaha...I was never at peace. I spent a lot of my childhood with my cousin and other boys and we always did some stupid thing. Let me just say that I had my chin broken 5 times, and you'll understand. We used all kinds of transportation, climbed everywhere and my mom was mad every day because I came home with new bruises and abrasions. I always said that they mixed up my gender and I should have been a boy. But when I was at home, I spent most of my time jumping on a rubber band. I tied it to the radiator, put a chair on the other side and jumped for hours.
Even then, I loved nature and often got lost in meadows, observing animals and catching insects.
Where does the motivation/energy for your lifestyle come from?
You know the saying: for yourself, for yourself, for yourself!
Anyone who takes good care of themselves, their physical and mental bodies, is confident, not hard-working, has and radiates some energy and is not afraid of new challenges. I like to overcome my fear and try to get out of my comfort zone, because I know that the feeling of victory is something extraordinary and always gives you new energy and opportunities for progress. In recent years, I have also put a lot of emphasis on what I put into my body. Food is not just a means to fill us up and replenish our energy reserves. What we eat can also have a significant impact on our psychophysical well-being.
The fact that I feel good when I'm properly groomed probably doesn't need any extra explanation. I've realized that it's right to groom myself first and foremost. That other people and their reactions are not the measure of our grooming, and that the most important thing is that we like ourselves and feel good in our own skin, even if no one is looking at us or judging us.
What sports do you do daily or weekly? What is your favorite place to go?
As I mentioned before, I go to the gym 2 to 3 times a week. I take a two-month break in the summer because I prefer to be outside and bike, rollerblade, walk in the mountains, nature... just to take advantage of the fresh air.
My love in recent years has been the mountains…just go. Somewhere higher, if possible, earlier, when there are no crowds, when everything is just waking up and you can enjoy the insanely beautiful, warm light. When you are in no hurry and you still have the whole day ahead of you. A whole day of enjoyment, observing nature and animals, cute conversations, and sometimes even silence, which is just right. That gives me energy. It would be hard to say which is my favorite point or peak. I really like the Julian Alps, but each peak is something special, each path gives its own memories. But if I had to highlight one peak, it would definitely be Viševnik. My first 2,000m peak and the first peak where I experienced waking up in the morning.
What does good clothing mean to you?
We can argue whether the clothes make the man or the man makes the clothes, but one thing is certain: the material definitely makes the clothes. For sportswear, it has to be of particularly high quality. The older I get, the more emphasis I place on the quality of the clothes.
It's important that it breathes and wicks moisture well, because this difference is really noticeable during longer sports activities. That it's light and doesn't bind me, although lately I've been reaching for compression socks and leggings that are a little tighter, because I notice that my muscles are less tired when wearing them.
What changes once you put on sportswear - does your motivation for something more increase?
It's amazing how much clothes can affect our mood. At least that's true for me. You can look incredibly sexy in comfortable and beautiful sportswear and feel especially 'flying'.
How did you perceive sportswear in the past and how do you perceive it today?
In principle, in the past, I didn't really care what I put on. I don't know if this has developed over the years or with today's lifestyle, but today it is very important to me.
Nowadays, it's really possible to get beautiful clothes that are also high-quality and functional.
What does your sports dressing system look like?
I usually wear high-waisted leggings, short in the summer, long in the winter. Sometimes I also wear knee-high compression socks, because my legs hurt less on long hikes. My underwear is seamless and of course a quality sports bra with good support.
The shirts are made of quality material so they don't stink, they dry quickly, they are snug and lightweight. In winter, a hoodie and jacket are indispensable, as they retain heat, wick away moisture, and breathe.
Where do you see the advantages of SportHG clothing?
The clothes are really high quality, functional and comfortable. They wick moisture away perfectly and dry quickly. I like them because they are very light and, despite being tight, they are not constricting.
What from the SportHG collection would you recommend to girls who like to play sports?
Definitely a shirt, long or short, that breathes well, and leggings, especially compression ones if your legs hurt.
Your future plans/plans?
Enjoy every day to the fullest, and make the most of your free days in nature. I am always ready for new challenges, new sports, even those that take me out of my comfort zone.
The desire never runs out, both for hiking and traveling.

About Urška
I am a mother (I have one daughter), a housewife, a graduate economist, and I have a full-time job that I enjoy. I travel a lot for work, which is sometimes tiring, but sometimes it gives me a new impetus, so I really try to make the most of the time I am at home.
I like to be active and sometimes my days are too short. I'm always looking for new trails, hills and new challenges.
I'm in love with summer in a different way and in love with the small, simple, everyday little things and moments that make my life perfect.
Product description Twink
Your first feelings when you received it.
I already liked the packaging. Of course, I was impressed by the cut and color I chose, and when I tried it on, I knew it would be great because it fit me perfectly and was really light.
I tested it in the hills and I have to admit I was surprised by how quickly it dries.
What did you expect?
I have to admit that I generally don't have any special expectations before I receive the clothes. At first glance, they were exactly what I expected, and the quality was even better.
What activities do you use it for?
Mainly for hiking, sometimes for fitness.
What do you like most about the product?
As I've mentioned a few times, quality.
Why would I recommend it to others?
I think every athlete should have at least one T-shirt like this in their closet, because it's really high quality and beautiful.
Which product from the SportHG collection would you like to have on your shelf?
I would definitely try leggings and long-sleeved shirts first.
Check out the T-shirt Urška is wearing: https://www.be-active.si/collections/zenska-kratka-majica/products/zenska-ultralight-majica-s-kratkimi-rokavi-twink-rdeca
Follow Urška on Instagram: urshhika
- Tags: intervju motivacija nasveti