Ultra dad full of surprises - Tomi Klančnik

Ambassador of SportHG Slovenia, member of the UTVV Race Team, father of four children, computer engineer by profession - Tomi Klančnik
In his youth, Tomi actively played volleyball, which has very strong roots and a victorious tradition in Carinthia. He also knew all the Carinthian ski slopes and mountain peaks very well. He continued playing ball sports recreationally even when he moved to Ljubljana for a student internship, where he also met his love and life partner Anja. Their small rented apartment was soon filled with the children's laughter of their two daughters, so they decided to buy a plot of land in the sunny Vipava Valley. Even before the completion of the strenuous construction, where Tomi worked until late after his job in Ljubljana, their family was enriched by a son and a daughter.

Tomi has also channeled his acquired discipline and strong character into sports, this time into running and ultra trail. Tomi achieves excellent mountain running successes on ultra-long routes despite being burdened with obligations brought on by a demanding job and four children - or perhaps precisely because of this, as joint recreation for the whole family in nature represents an escape from the sedentary and stressful everyday work life. Running, climbing, exercise in the mountains and pastures, as well as basketball, are regular family recreational activities.

Tomija is not well known to many, but he is often like "the silent water on the banks of the ravine" and is always looking for new challenges. His love of mountains also led him to mountaineering school, as he and his wife Anja want to climb many more Slovenian and foreign peaks, despite the fact that they have already conquered the Grossglockner via Studelgrat, the North Triglav Wall, and on Mont Blanc, due to extreme conditions, they turned around 300m below the summit. He put his demanding experience in the mountains in all weather conditions on 100 km and 100 mile trail runs to good use on the Swiss Peaks trail, which, with 360 km and 27,000 positive altitude meters, is an extreme test and shows who is truly resilient, psychologically strong, unyielding in bad weather and, at the same time, capable of quickly regenerating from day to day with only a few hours of sleep a night. Without these qualities, even excellent physical fitness is of no help.

In 2020, Tomi completed the Slovenian Mountain Trail (SPP): a 617 km long route through the Slovenian Mountains with 37,000 positive altitude meters, he completed it in 10 days and 19 hours. From Maribor via Pohorje, the Kamnik-Savinja Alps, the Karavanke, the Julian Alps, over the Primorske Hills to the jump into the sea at Debeli Rtič. He decided to take the route at a time when the satellites were not predicting the weather well, so the excellent forecast turned out to be rainy and foggy with low temperatures. Rain hardly bothers ultrarunners, but few people imagine the stubbornness, courage and perseverance, as well as the knowledge and experience that enable them to cross Ojstrica, Rinka, Skuta, Grintavec, Jezerska Kočna, Begunjščica, Stol and all the way to Triglav in such extreme conditions. The experienced ultrarunner and mountaineer also overcame stomach problems and blisters, and his family and good friends helped him. This oldest connecting path in the world, which runs through the most demanding Slovenian mountains, left an unforgettable mark on Tomi and connected him to the mystery of nature: "Following the beaten paths, I walked my own path and wrote my own story"! So far, only 15 male and 4 female runners have completed the SPP in less than 14 days. Tomi and Anja Klančnik thus became the first married couple to complete the SPP. Tomi is also the only one whose entire family accompanied him on his journey. Anja and her children accompanied him through the valleys with a car and equipment, providing him with supplies at appropriate points, and in between getting to know the less besieged corners of Slovenia.
Tomi, as a member of UTVV, believes that the traditional running festival Ultra Trail Vipava Valley will still take place in the fall. Last year, the new coronavirus took away the competition, but more than two-thirds of the runners out of more than 1,000 registered decided to transfer their registration to this year, which is a great encouragement for the Vipava organizers.

Now you have gotten to know Tomi better as an active athlete, who was also shaped by the coastal bora wind and directed his Carinthian stubbornness, which we all know from Tina Maze, towards family and nature. Tomi enjoys it most when he gets to know his surroundings and abroad through running trips, and also when competitions get his blood pumping. He encourages children to learn and work hard and connect with nature and each other. Tomi always demands the best quality and perfection, which is why he trusts SportHG clothing. He also demands the best quality from his clothing, so that he can wear it all day and for all sports. The clothing must breathe, but also offer protection and be durable. It is very important that it is compression and at the same time comfortable. During long runs and uphill runs, compression allows Tomi's muscles to function well, which is why he always wears socks. Tomi is an ambassador for the SportHG clothing brand, who, in addition to a T-shirt, pants, ear bands, and arm warmers, also likes to wear a hoodie. There is always something going on around Tomi, as his four children and Anja surprise him every day and give him additional value. In this active life, full of youthful energy and challenges, Tomi has only one piece of life advice: "expect something unexpected every day", and quality SportHG clothing helps him maintain his balance.
What were you like as a child, what were you interested in, what did you like to do?
I was born in Vuzenica near Slovenj Gradec, as the second son. My parents also built a house in addition to their jobs. My greatest passion was volleyball, a team sport that taught me cooperation and gave me a lot of self-confidence. Excellent grades were never enough for me, so I directed my energy into various clubs and traveling around the world. I can say that I had very good youth years. I love going back to Carinthia, where I also have parents and brothers with their families, and they are all still connected to volleyball. I myself could not imagine life without volleyball, but as I said, when you follow your own path and not your plans, life offers you the most.
What changed after the birth of a child, what became new priorities in life?
The first two daughters were born in Ljubljana, where it was quite difficult with all-day work schedules and the status of immigrants in Ljubljana. That's why we were looking for a place that would be friendly to families and children. The decision was not that difficult, because Anja was always invited back to sunny Primorska. In Vipava, the family, despite the daily drive to Ljubljana, breathed easier and gained new members. Priorities have not changed much, because family, exercise, sports come first, and I enjoy it best when we do it together. Children are truly incredible and I am always surprised by their energy and curiosity. Our hikes are rarely shorter than 20 km, they are trips through nature, for example from Vipava to Sveta Gora, from Vipava to Triglav, from Vipava along the Jacob's Way to Trieste, around the Vipava Valley or around Nanos. These hikes were also the reason for my training to become a mountain guide, because safety in the mountains, for me and my family, comes first.
How do you balance raising children/traveling with ultra trail races, hills?
Children and action are part of our everyday lives, so it's not difficult to balance them. They talk and relax in nature, and I really make time for them there. They always support us at matches. They see that they are also very fit and nature invites them. Effort is something normal for them, as they have basketball training almost every day, and matches and hikes on the weekends. However, they don't neglect school, as they are all excellent students and musicians. I think that nature can help a lot in education, as it teaches them independence, patience, perseverance and cooperation.
How do you balance life / training / matches / vacation / children?
Life just happens. I just live it. We plan our activities every week and organize each day separately, although things often turn around. But it is very important that we all work together. For endurance training, it is very important to be on your feet all day and preferably with a heavy backpack, which I get from family hikes. Then I do speed, hill or trail running training. I often get motivated by children's basketball games, where cooperation is important for victory and where every defeat is just a source of experience for a new victory. Skiing always prevails for winter holidays. Holidays at sea are getting shorter and shorter and we are somehow replacing them with holidays in the mountains, at home or abroad.
What does your average day look like?
During the week, work takes up most of my day, but I always have enough energy for the kids, housework, and activities. Everything works out well during the week. I often prefer to lie on the couch in the afternoon, but I think I would get over it quickly, because every effort makes me feel alive. Weekends are dedicated to outdoor activities from morning to evening (or night).
How do you organize your day?
Basically, I really like being organized. I've always tried to plan things. With the children's various activities and obligations, with trips, competitions and participation in clubs, this is still absolutely necessary. But it was precisely in planning that life taught me its lesson, as I learned to take into account unplanned things and wishes, and to follow Anja and the family in their inspiration. I realized that I no longer need a sense of control over pre-planned things, but rather the unpredictability of the moment motivates me and gives me a sense of life. Family and marriage have shown me that things are not black and white, but that it is good to use the whole colorful palette.
Where does the motivation/energy for such a lifestyle come from?
As I mentioned, I follow life and what it offers me. Everyone in their youth thinks about where their path will take them and imagines their life. My life turned upside down when I met Anja, who is truly a person of instant inspiration. But that's exactly why she complements me so much and motivates me.
How do you train for running, endurance?
Training is mainly focused on weekends, during the week I work on strength, intervals, hill running and shorter runs. I also really like to go climbing. Basically, it's a lifestyle for me and I do what I like: skiing, winter mountains, summer mountain crossings in Slovenia or neighboring countries. I haven't had any planned training sessions for a long time. But it's true that Anja and I try to do some night runs or runs in bad weather - which is not a problem at all this year.
What does good clothing mean to you?
The most important thing for me is that they dry quickly, because I rarely change clothes while running. Compression of the clothes is also very important, which gives the muscles functionality. And of course, breathability, practicality, durability and comfort. That's why I use SportHG clothes.
Clothing system for running, hills?
Both on long runs and in the mountains, the weather changes a lot - from beautiful sunny weather to rain and vice versa. That's why it's important to protect yourself quickly, especially from the cold. If I start early in the morning, I usually wear a long compression shirt or short sleeves, supplemented with arm warmers. Most often, I wear shorts and socks, which support my calves and knees and prevent cramps. I often use a wide headband for wind protection, and in winter, instead of a hat. I can also pack all of this clothing into a small bag in my running backpack. I usually also have spare socks with me, and often gloves too.
Where do you see the advantages of SportHG clothing?
SportHG clothing is practically the only one I use. Quality, functionality and comfort are important to me. I like wearing them because they have what I need: compression, they wick moisture to the outside and dry quickly, I can combine them with each other (shirt, sleeves), they are not too thin and they are very durable.
What from the SportHG collection would you recommend to active athletes?
First, compression shorts and long pants, because they are very hard to find. Then, socks that are not too tight, but just right to hug the calves. Of course, also the indispensable short t-shirt and a great long t-shirt that really breathes well. And in your free time, of course, a hoodie - fashionable with an active function.
Your future plans/plans?
I am always ready for challenges that motivate me. There are still many mountain and hiking desires, routes in Slovenia and abroad. As for competitions, I am soon heading to the Dolomites for the LUT120, I am registered for the 100 miles of Istria, and last year we were accepted for the 300 kilometer run around Mont Blanc PTL/UTMB, which will probably come next year.